Indonesia Intellectual Property Office 

Indonesia intellectual property office is The Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIPR). Patendo, a Registered IP Consultant, will help protect your trademark in Indonesia and get a free consultation. Please visit the website

Intellectual property (IP) rights establish legal protections over intangible assets resulting from human innovation and creativity. As home to abundant talent along with an emerging digital economy, Indonesia stands to benefit immensely from robust IP frameworks facilitating ideas to impact. 

Much involves navigating the intricate world of patents, trademarks, industrial design registrations and copyrights. Central to administering these IP instruments lies the Indonesia Intellectual Property Office, known locally as the DGIPR. 

Background & Responsibilities 

The Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIPR) operates under the Ministry of Law and Human Rights as the IP regulatory authority and registry in the country. Headed by a Director General, the office traces back to the 1990s following Indonesia's signing of key international IP administration agreements. 

Today the DGIPR juggles multiple critical functions including: 

- Receiving and processing various IP applications domestically 

- Substantive examination assessing whether applicants meet approved standards and criteria 

- Granting exclusive IP rights through issued certificates and decision letters 

- Administering disputes and legal appeals for granted IP instruments 

- Creating and revising policies and regulations around patents, trademarks, industrial design and more 

- Operating publicly accessible databases around registered IP assets 

This wide mandate makes the DGIPR the definitive government body regulating every facet of IP protections from applications to enforcement within Indonesia

Types of IP Under DGIPR Authority 

Myriad intellectual property instruments fall under the DGIPR's oversight part of the ID-TM-Pat system ("Istilah Dagang - Tanda Merek - Paten"). Which IP rights can Indonesian entities and residents seek protection for through the office? 

Trademarks & Service Marks 

These include brand names, logos, slogans, colors and other identifiers used in conjunction with commercial offerings. Granted trademarks receive 10 years protection. 


Granted patents cover technical inventions with industrial applicability for 20 years from filing, excluding pharmaceuticals (15 years protection). Categories include standard patents, simple patents and introduced technologies. 

Industrial Designs 

Visual and aesthetic designs applied to manufactured products receive between five and 10 years coverage once registered. Protections apply to whole articles, parts or composites. 


While granted automatically, registering creative works like books, music, art, performances and software etc. provides further legal certainty. Copyrights extend 50 years generally. 

Integrated Circuit Layout Designs & Trade Secrets 

Integrated circuit topography and confidential business information also fall eligible for registration through the DGIPR system. Each area involves tailored applications and specific exclusive rights. 

Plant Variety Protection 

Registering new varieties of certain agricultural, forestry or farm-cultivated plants confer exclusive commercial and production rights under this special domain with the DGIPR. 

Applying for IP Protections 

The DGIPR upholds standardized procedures for securing exclusive IP rights around innovative assets and intangible creations in Indonesia. But what does fulfilling the application process entail? 

Administrative & Substantive Requirements 

Applicants must satisfy both administrative benchmarks confirming complete documentation while overcoming substantive examination assesses eligible subject matter meeting approval criteria. Insufficient applications undergo rejection. 

Electronic Filing 

Today most processes employ electronic filing through the DGIPR official website, including verifying identities. Hard copies still hold necessity in certain instances determined on a case-by-case basis during evaluation. 

Fees & Timelines 

All applications and petitions incur administrative charges with costs varying based on IP type and other factors like requested validity periods. Publication happens within set timeframes as well - usually two months from filing. 

Overall the DGIPR strives for transparent, accessible IP registration channels to stimulate local innovation and commercialization. But navigating procedural intricacies remains complex for the uninitiated. 

Accessing Indonesia's IP Information 

Beyond processing registrations, the DGIPR also facilitates public awareness around secured intellectual property protections by publishing extensive records into searchable databases. 

Tasked with both regulatory and administrative authority over patents, trademarks, industrial designs and more, Indonesia's DGIPR remains center stage developing the country's knowledge economy and intangible asset agenda for sustainable growth. 

Some core lessons regarding the Indonesia Intellectual Property Office include: 

- Traceability into all IP matters from pharmaceuticals to plant varieties 

- Digital mechanisms improving application efficiency and clarity 

- Metadata around granted rights facilitating licensing transactions 

- Ongoing policy and public awareness efforts cultivating creative culture 

Yet even established frameworks require continual enhancement responding to global dynamics and local challenges. Expect the DGIPR's next chapters manifesting increasing digitalization and international cooperation - all to propel Indonesian innovation further through 21st century opportunities. 

Patendo - Professional IP Consultant in Indonesia 

For over 10 years, Patendo has assisted thousands of clients from domestic and overseas with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) services, specializing in trademarks. 

As an experienced IP consultant, Patendo is very familiar with the ins and outs of trademarks regulations and registration procedures in Indonesia. Patendo’s expert team with years of experience is very careful in guiding both administrative and substantive processes to achieve approval. 

Thousands of local and global brands have been successfully registered by Patendo. Some of them have even been renewed for another 10 years of protection. This proves the maximum and best commitment from Patendo’s consultants. 

This positive track record makes Patendo the right and trusted choice for many businesses and companies for IPR matters. Patendo's Consultation Service continues to grow rapidly along with the increase of innovations needing IPR protection. 

So do not hesitate to contact Patendo to get advice regarding trademark registration in Indonesia or globally. Start protecting your Intellectual Property now with our reliable consultants!